We are honoured to work with these precious ingredients from nature and offer their benefits through our formulas 


Beauty Through Balance formulas (signature series) include the use of fresh RAW Pacific Seaweed & Canadian Glacial Clay both harvested from remote areas of Northern BC Canada. All harvesting is conducted under strict guidelines supporting First Nations interests and government harvesting policies to ensure that no negative impact to the environment occurs. In areas where the clay and seaweed are harvested by hand no shipping channels exist helping to keep the area well protected and pristine. Our exclusive partnerships with our harvesters go back over 10 years and we are proud to work with them to ensure the protection and safety of these precious ingredients and our environment Our focus with these precious ingredients and all others we work with is to ensure the integrity of the raw ingredients are always maintained for maximum benefits and results.

Integrifolia Pacific Kelp Sustainable Harvesting & Processing:web - kelp 1

Our seaweed (Macrocystis Integrifolia Pacific Kelp) is one of the fastest growing kelp plants and after harvesting (the top 5 to 7 feet) the seaweed stalks grow back just after a few days! Other types of seaweed once picked can take months or years to grow back leading to disruption of the ecosystem and surrounding marine life. Once the seaweed stalks are harvested direct from the ocean beds, they are rinsed with purified water then a patented advanced method called cold processing is used. This specialized gentle method uses no high pressure or high temperature and the whole plant is used  so there is little or no wastage. The end result is one of the most concentrated seaweed products in the world (over 98% whole raw seaweed) that has not been adulterated by over processing. Other less advanced processing methods can involve a good portion of the plant being wasted and stripped of much of its nutrients. All the benefits of raw seaweed without a pungent seaweed scent to the products! See ingredient education for more information on our Pacific Seaweed

web - clay in handCanadian Colloidal Glacial Clay Harvesting & Processing

The Canadian Glacial Clay is hand harvested from the remote Northern BC Coastal area of Bella Coola direct from the source. Our exclusive partnership with our harvesters date back over 10 years and we are proud to work with this precious Canadian indigenous ingredient that is harvested by hand using only sustainable methods. Once harvested, the clay is filtered and sifted through stainless steel mesh sieves of varied sizes to remove debris and is then stabilized to be used in our natural skin care formulas. Click here to read more about the unique composition, minerals, nutrients and benefits