Beauty Through Balance has partnered with harvesters in the Amazon in the development of the Acai Berry Series created with eco-certified and certified organic ingredients from the Rainforest. The harvesters are committed to the protection of the rainforest, support of their aboriginal people and they are dedicated to ensuring that there is no negative impact on the environment from collection of indigenous ingredients . We take special care in researching and partnering with harvesters that share our same philosophy of protection of natural habitats.
Sustainability & Biodiversity
Our harvesters have implemented a variety of programs and partnerships focusing on social responsibility and sustainability including the United Nations Global Pact and biodiversity program. The Biodiversity program which supports “selective harvesting with the “avoided deforestation” concept, contributes to regional development and the strengthening of local communities and helps conserve the flora and protect the great portfolio of raw materials found in Brazilian biodiversity”
Certifications & Awards
We are pleased to announce that our harvesting partners were the recipient of the 2009 Seed Award for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development for their work in helping to preserve the world’s largest tropical rainforest.
In addition, they have been given other prestigious awards such as the FINEP Technological Innovation Award as well as several others
They have received Eco-Certification on several of the raw ingredients that they harvest in the rainforest including the Acai Berry and Capuacu Butter used in the Beauty Through Balance Acai Berry Series.
We are proud to be working with these harvesters that are truly committed and dedicated to making a difference for the present and future generations.
To learn more about the Acai Berry Series
click here