With the winter season often comes mild to more severe dry skin conditions. Many people with this skin concern, try to use topical moisturizers, steroid creams, and ointments but often do not get results. Moderate to more serious dry skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis can be caused not just from the change in weather but also from food allergies, nutritional imbalances, exposure to chemicals and stress.
Dry skin conditions should be treated both internally and topically. Here are some remedies I can recommend that have shown to heal skin tissue, replenish hydration levels, calm the skin, reduce redness and itching.
Ready made product. If you're looking for a good moisturizer or speciality skin care product to treat your skin condition opt for one's that contain some of these key active ingredients:
Natural sources of fatty acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Seaweed/Algae, Butters such as shea or cocoa, Peptides, Green Tea,
Lavender or Tea Tree essential oil to name a few. Selecting products that contain raw natural oils including avocado and coconut have shown to have very positive healing benefits on the skin.
Avoid ready-made product created with synthetic fragrances, colors, mineral oil, and sulfates.
From our Beauty Through Balance spa line we have a range of options to offer for those that suffer from mild dry/mature skin to those that have more serious skin concerns including eczema. Some of these products including our
Whole Pacific Seaweed Fronds, Hydra Skin Renewal Gel, and Lavender Soy Lotion.
II. Home Remedies. These home remedies have shown to soothe the skin, reduce redness, flaking and itching.
Oatmeal Pack: combine natural raw rolled oats with enough milk or water to make a paste apply to effected area with gentle exfoliation. leave on for at least 10minutes before removing. Use daily or as needed.
Chamomile infused tea: Brew a cup of pure chamomile tea. once it is at room temperature add 2 to 3 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil and 1 tsp of pure aloe vera gel. mix well and apply to effected area or fill into a bowl and soak hands/fingers. You can also make 2 to 3 times the batch size and add it to a warm bath for a full body soak or apply the mixture as a compress on effected areas.
Turmeric Paste: turmeric has been used for centuries in India for beautifying the skin and for treatment of skin conditions, and illnesses. To make the past take 1 tsp. of turmeric powder, 1 tsp of oat flour( blend raw oats dry until it turns into a powder) , 1/2 tsp of raw organic honey, and 1 tsp of pure sandalwood powder(optional) mix with a small amount of warm water to make a paste. Apply to effected area and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse well. This may leave the skin with a temporary discoloration of yellow which will fade.
Eating the right foods and taking proper supplements also play a key role in the healing and treatment of dry skin conditions including eczema.
Make sure your diet consists of foods containing essential fatty acids such as; salmon and nuts. Those with eczema may benefit from taking an omega fatty a

cid supplement. Borage oil has been shown to be very effective when taking as a supplement and also applied topically for those with chronic dry skin conditions. Increase your intake of green leafy vegetables as well
Avoiding processed foods are an important aspect to keep skin healthy. For great clean eating tips and recipes visit
Keep in mind Eczema and Dermatitis can be a sign of a food allergy so do see a naturopath doctor to get fully tested for gluten, dairy and other potential allergies.
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